Monday, September 14, 2009

Guitar Hero Rocks and other things.

Still waiting on the website transfer, something about one domain accepting the change to another and no one wants to let go. Craziness, the wonderful world of website building. To be continued....

My daughter and two children have moved in, sisters still getting used to living in the same house together as I already had one grown daughter at home. Love having all my children in one town and spending time with my grandaughter, Hannah 9 going on 16. Too funny. We all went over to my son's house for dinner and played Guitar Hero. Stephen rocks, he's five and sings "No sleep til Bwookwyn!" at the top of his lungs. Hysterical. He "helped" Chris sing "Living on a Prayer." We all sang along, badly.

My daughter, Chris, will be singing at Java Daves, McArthur and Reno on September 25, a Friday. Come on down, she needs a crowd.

Writing hit a small snag with the move-in but will get back on track this week. I'm at 100 pages, not bad for me. Need to do more but dancing as fast as I can.

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