Earth quakes, floods, tsunami, volcano eruptions, baseball-sized hail. Is it the end of the world as we know it? Global warming must be causing it, or, is Mother Nature simply having a hissy fit because of things like the oil spill in the gulf? I'd do worse than that if I were her and you spilled oil all over me.
Our lives and careers seem to have the same ups and down sometimes. Then, we can't blame mother nature or global warming. It may be something we did or didn't do that started the down-ward spiral. What if we simply gave up and quit? Nothing good could happen then.
Writing is the same. There are those really good writing days and those where every word we put on paper sucks rocks, or seems that way to us. But guess what? Do we stop or push through? We know that book, story, poem will never be finished if we don't keep on keepin' on. So we do it. And when we finish, the product is good. We set out to make it even better.
We just have to be ready for those highs and lows in life and writing. Barrel through and see what happens. By the time you reach the end, you're on your way up again. That's were it gets good, the way up to the top. On your way, throw a mattress down so you can bounce your way back up if you slip and keep on trying.
Amen, Sister! And I can't even type in anything but English. *eg*
Never mind, don't click on the post, it's Taiwan Girls-guess what they want. Passion is right. LOL
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