Monday, May 23, 2011

Mystery Blog Tour-Regan Taylor.

This is the official beginning of the Mystery Blog Tour and my first guest is the lovely Regan Taylor with her book "The Glass Cage. " Regan, take it away. BTW-Love the cover.


As I sat down to prepare my post for Carol I took a moment to think about a few of the things she had mentioned about herself and what stuck out for me is that she has some younguns’ in her life. I don’t go into detail but she’s got some under eighteens that are pretty special to her. That led me to thinking about my aunt – kind of the reverse situation. I’m definitely over 18, but my aunt and I share the kind of bond I picked up about Carol and her family.

My aunt Carolyn is the last of my dad’s siblings still living. She’s an awesome woman and over the years I’ve not just heard but been a party to some of her best stories. She’s a fighter in terms of holding on to life and making every day count and has completely supported my writing career.

Two years ago she was going into the hospital to have a pacemaker put in and at 3,000 miles away I was concerned. There were so many things still to tell her and share with her and while the prognosis was good, she was, at the time 84. (She’s now 86 and still an avid reader, especially of my books.) She’d read my sweet western, Indentured Bride and seemed to like my characters. The Spell and The Glass Cage from my McKenna Crime series hadn’t come out yet – but she has said she liked them too. While preparing to go into the hospital and making sure she had enough reading materials she scoured the internet for what might tempt her. She came across my first book – the one I never talk about. Yes, it’s still out there but you have to dig for it.

My aunt was thrilled! She just couldn’t believe her good luck.

Neither could I. (not).

I panicked. I called her and told her not to read it. I called my cousins and asked them to PLEASE take the book away from her. In my world aunts who also happen to be former nuns (another story) aren’t supposed to read certain kinds of books. I was on the fence about the romantic suspenses because, well, sometimes in suspenses and definitely in mysteries, people die. Right?

We all went back and forth debating the wisdom of her reading the book – or any of my others for that matter simply because I had put a label on her age. Okay, that and her former profession or calling. It was my cousin, Mary, who I’m closer to than a sister, who was the voice of reason.

In her matter of fact way she said, “I can’t think of a better way to test out the pacemaker, can you?”

My aunt, however, had a different perspective. Her comment was, “Just because I was a nun 65 years ago doesn’t mean I don’t know the first thing about life and, after all, I did have four children.” And, I might add, in her now 86 years she has seen a lot, maybe more than most of us will in a lifetime.

She is still an avid reader – and for writers and publishers out there – large print. There’s a world of readers out there who would read a lot more if they had large print available for them.

And she is my hero.

You can learn more about my books at


Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

That was a great post, Regan. I guess the lesson is never judge a person by their age. Since I'm way up there, I'd love for people to take that lesson to heart.


Vivian Zabel said...

Interesting post, Regan. I could just see one of my grandchildren picking up a copy of Merline Lovelace's books I have around the house and him/her say in shock, "Granny, you read stuff like this?" Same type of labeling.

Of course I would have to be honest and tell them I skip some scenes. *laugh*

Vivian Zabel

Mary said...

I want to meet your aunt. She sounds awesome.

Great post!

Vivian Zabel said...

Reading is a must for writers. I'm surprised at the people who want to write but don't read.


Jean Henry Mead said...

I write mainly for senior readers and you're right. Large(r) print is a must for those over 55. I'm intrigued by your aunt who was once a nun and laughed when I read about testing out her pacemaker. I'm sure that if your books offended her, she wouold set them aside. :)

Marja said...

Oh, Regan, I'd love to now your aunt, and your cousin. What a great family, and what a terrific blog.

Jackie King said...

Regan, I love your article, your bookcover and especially your Aunt Carolyn. What a wonderful woman! You're a lucky gal to have her.
Jackie King

Anonymous said...

Super post, Regan. I also am blessed to have an incredible aunt who is there for me. At 90, she still drives, lives alone, and is always on the go. I wanna be her when I grow up!!