Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday Writing- Tips, tricks, news.

My new article "Infection Prevention in a Rescue Population" will be on next week. I'm excited. Can't wait to see it. Go visit the site if you enjoy great articles and tips about cat care, cute pictures and all that fun cat stuff.

How do you revamp your writing career? For me it has so far consisted of writing fiction more and bringing back the nonfiction writing. I'm working on freelance articles for Catster and Dogster as well as applying to write for on a regular basis. Next trick, getting into a good routine that gives me time to write fiction, nonfiction and up my marketing, including this blog.

I'm sure there are more things I need to be doing but this is where I began. Sure am enjoying working from home. Less make-up, jewelry and dress clothes involved, comfortable shoes. More time for writing and art. Now I just have to figure out why blogger won't let me add pictures to my blog right now.

Have you done anything new lately?

Would love to hear from you here, or on Twitter @realmonsters or visit my website at I'm also on facebook at

1 comment:

Stephanie Louise said...

Hello, I stumbled upon your blog. Glad to find a fellow writer on blogger and impressed you're maintaining all your writing avenues :) Best wishes with it all and you're welcome to visit my website ( & and I'm also on twitter too :) @StephLwriter