Monday, August 17, 2009


First, if I haven't been blogging like I should, I have been writing 800 words a day. Sounds puny, I know, but for me, with work and writing, it's a lot and I'm so pleased that I've gotten at least 9000 words written on my WIP since the end of July. I'm almost to 19,000, a quarter of the way done.

Next, I'm having a new website designed and it should go live, with contests this month, so stay tuned. Also in the works is a re-design of my blog, myspace, facebook etc.

Maybe I can ramp up blogging again too. Will work on that.

Now, if you haven't been watching True Blood, and you like paranormal, vampires, weres, rent the first season and get to watching. And the second season is even better. (Screen it before you let anyone under sixteen watch it.)


Judy said...

I haven't watched True Blood. Everyone is talking about. I might have to check it out. Good luck on getting your website and blog re-vamped. I will look forward to checking it out! I have read a couple of your books and enjoyed them. Fairy Dust looks very good.


I haven't watch True Blood because I don't have HBO. I guess I going to have to buy dvd. When your blog go live I will check it out.


Carol said...

Judy, thanks for coming and so glad you enjoyed the books.

Loretta, rent a couple of episodes and see what you think, theyre R rated but a lot of fun. Carol