Monday, November 29, 2010

Food Glorious-fattening

Are you as full as I am? Did you have a wonderful holiday and make use of the license to over eat. I did. Love fresh roasted turkey, can't stand the pressed, lunch meat, processed versions of turkey, fresh or nothing. The same goes for cranberry sauce, fresh, home-made or nothing. Love it.

Finished the third chapter of my Harlequin, now working on four and trying for 300-500 words a day, so I can finish a first draft on the off chance I receive a request for a full manuscript. Enjoying the process and learning as I go. Trying to balance some medical excitement with the romance, tempered by a little kid humor.

Making progress and sometimes that's all I ask.

Reading a new Janet Evanovich, "Wicked Appetites." Deisel meets urban fantasy. Love it so far. Saw "Eat, Pray, Love" and enjoyed it even though I was jealous because I can't just take off for Italy and parts unknown. Can't I go? Pretty please.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's almost Thanksgiving. Thanks to those who read this and to those who comment. Thanks for writing and books and the career I have through words. Books have been in my life as almost an extension of me, since I first learned to read.

I've spent a lot of time in trouble for reading, especially when I would carry a book (fiction of course) to class in third grade, high school, nursing school (the nuns hated that.) I still carry books with me everywhere, on my Kindle, read at home and on the computer.

Words, the creation and joy have been one of the defining features for me. My wish for everyone is to discover the joy of reading and maybe even writing.

Obviously my personal nano isn't moving fast but I'm almost through with the first three chapters, a biggie and now I'll attack the rest.

Monday, November 15, 2010

NANO What?

How did it get to be the 15th and I'm only 25% of the way to 50000 words? Not putting the butt on the chair enough, obviously. Truly, I'd be thrilled if I hit 50000 by the end of December. I want to finish this third chapter this week and get it off to Harlequin.

BTW, I have a blurb for "Something Old", my medical romance, posted. Check it out. Also, I'll be updating the page on medical terms and tips so you too can add the medical drama to your romances or thriller.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Must be Eight

Didn't get as much writing done as I wanted this weekend but making slow progress. As soon as I finish chapter 3, off to Harlequin and then the wait, forever. In the mean time, write on. As long as I continue to make progress, it works for me, even if its only a few words.

Anyone see the first episode of Walking Dead? It was good if you like zombies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Four-Nano

Medical Mystery Saga
Very little writing done due to life interference, but even some is better than none. Will try to do more tonight. Need to focus and so much goes on between work and home, it's difficult to find that point for your mind to latch on to. Hoping for a better writing weekend and maybe some time on Friday and Sunday.
Sometimes I think I have a good handle on the story, other times I'm sure I don't. Writing out of my usual genre makes me have to work harder. I can't rely on a demon attack or magick happening to move the story along in a medical mystery and there are only so many times you can have a heart stop in one story. I actually have to make my characters work at being themselves.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nano Madness

It's time for Nanowrimo-National Novel Writing Month. I decided to post my progress on Something Old, even though I'm not an official Nanoite. I really need to finish the first draft this month so here I go, trying to hold myself accountable.

I love writing and would love to ditch the day job, but, food on the table counts, besides I work with nice people doing good work in healthcare, so can't complain too much.

If you haven't been to the blog lately, I haven't been keeping up. Maybe I'll post more when I'm trying to meet my own, public deadline. I promise to post more, of course if I don't have readers to interact with, it's a little more difficult to write to a vacume.

Sprayed for bugs yesterday, noticed some I hadn't had before. Pests encroaching into my space. Doing coffee, loving cooler weather.