Monday, November 29, 2010

Food Glorious-fattening

Are you as full as I am? Did you have a wonderful holiday and make use of the license to over eat. I did. Love fresh roasted turkey, can't stand the pressed, lunch meat, processed versions of turkey, fresh or nothing. The same goes for cranberry sauce, fresh, home-made or nothing. Love it.

Finished the third chapter of my Harlequin, now working on four and trying for 300-500 words a day, so I can finish a first draft on the off chance I receive a request for a full manuscript. Enjoying the process and learning as I go. Trying to balance some medical excitement with the romance, tempered by a little kid humor.

Making progress and sometimes that's all I ask.

Reading a new Janet Evanovich, "Wicked Appetites." Deisel meets urban fantasy. Love it so far. Saw "Eat, Pray, Love" and enjoyed it even though I was jealous because I can't just take off for Italy and parts unknown. Can't I go? Pretty please.

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