Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Paris Hilton, Print Books-Olympics

How's that for a myriad of unrelated topics?

OK, first and most important.

I don't have a firm date yet, but Privy to Murder is scheduled to come out in print. Yay, finally. Can't wait to hold it in my hands, schedule book signings and put it in a couple of places to sell. Fun stuff. Stay tuned for dates.

On a different note, did you see Paris Hilton's video? She actually sounds intelligent. I may have to stop making fun of the kid after all. She had a sense of humor and made sense. Maybe I will vote for her after all. Madame President Hilton. Has a ring about it.

I'm a dork. Can't wait to watch the opening ceremony for the Olympics on Friday. I know China sucks on human rights issues but the show will be spectacular to watch.

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