Friday, October 2, 2009

Timing is everything.

Timing is everything in life and publishing. My life is proving that to be true as my central heat has gone out just in time for the coldest weekend so far this year.

An adult child has moved into my home with her children (Did you know adult sisters still fight?)
Yes, I have two adult children at home.

My grandson's new, expensive (for us) slacks have disappeared the day before the homecoming dance.

One of my best friends received a book contract offer--with an impossible deadline(Be careful what you wish for.)

My daughter's latest seizure has coincided with a book signing/selling event I'd hoped to attend.

Had the opportunity to read for an hour with no interruptions-got up at 4am-too sleepy to read without nodding off.

Time to write tonight with no interruptions. Still sleepy.

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