Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today I’m writing in Lisa’s garden. At least that was the plan until it started pouring rain this morning. So, I will take pictures of the garden in the rain and post those with this in a while, might be tonight. Don’t want to ask them to hook up two devices.

After I saw Lisa’s garden the first time, I knew I wanted to spend a day there with the herbs and flowers, and walk in fireplace. There is even a labyrinth for meditation. It is just lovely and peaceful in the middle of the city. Also cozy I might add.

In addition, Lisa does music and music vibration therapy (Link) I’m also trying that today and will fill you in. Just listening to her harp is enough to relax me, but pain relief too, I can dig it.

Away from home and distractions, company of Lisa’s little black poodle, beautiful morning so far. I plan to finish some plotting for two WIP since I’m away from major distractions. Promise to post pics.

Today’s writing advice, give yourself a mini holiday from distractions at home. Even a coffee shop will do, put in ear phones, but pay attention to the volume first so you don’t blast your ear drums like I did and enjoy a day away from responsibilities. Let someone wait on you for a change. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thyme to Rhyme-resources

Privy to Murder at the OWFI conference book store. Can't beat Best of Books of Edmond.

Frank and Ron at OWFI

Amy Shojai and Lois

Kathy Moad and Sarah Wilson Basore

Inez Phillips: Winning

Some poetry resources on the web:   Poets, news, articles and reviews.  Poems, essays, Bios  Monthly magazine devoted to verse

If I had time, I'd just sit home today and explore all these sites which would lead to more. Have fun. I have to go to the day job.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

OWFI Conference
Me signing books last year. This year, I added Tarot reading then failed to get pictures of it, I know, having too much fun with readings and met a great writer named Cara so it was all good.

Tarot as a Platform
I followed Tali's Tarot Tip about keeping it simple and did a plain three card, past, present and future spread. Pretty much a fun thing. Remember, as a writer, find a platform of some kind to link into signings, blogging etc. Since Tali and Mumsie, Mumsie in particular, does readings, why not use it at signings as an added value to entice people to interact, not just be pitched to buy a book. Much more fun.

Six Sentence Sunday

Once again it's Six Sentence Sunday.

Post six sentences from your current book, story or WIP on your website/blog.
Put your web address in the comments section of this blog.
If you do not have a website, put the six sentences in my comments section.
Everyone, go to each other's websites/blogs and comment.
This way everyone gets new traffic to their websites.
Have fun.
From Privy to Murder

She turned on her heel, which promptly dug into the grass

and sent her flying into the dessert table. Cake and fruit

catapulted into the air. The sparkles on Mag’s dress dulled

under the layer of cake.

My cell phone rang.

“Oh, Tali,” Mumsie said. “Listen. Don’t worry.”

I interrupted. “Worry about what? What’s wrong?”

Mumsie interrupted me. “Sean’s okay. I was only twenty

minutes late but he’d already called Brian. Brian’s unhappy but

Sean’s home safe. And by the way, the spirit is okay, don’t


Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday-Tricks and Treats of Writing-Feeding the Story Teller

Do you feel like Wonder Woman some times, or at least like everyone else thinks you should be like her. You have sales expectations from your publisher, you meet deadlines, do edits, post on twitter, Facebook, keep up with blogs, actually get writing done, not to mentions care for pets, kids and live a real life.

Is it any wonder you're stressed, need a vacation or need to at least run away? That's why I'm running away this weekend. I know, it's a writer's conference so it involves work, but this is a conference I've been attending for years. I get to see writing friends that I don't see every day, draw inspiration from each other, learn new things, meet new people, sign books and just plain have fun. It's time to feed the storyteller so she keeps on finding stories to tell.

So, if you are in Oklahoma City this weekend, come to the Embassy Suites and see me. I will be back on Sunday for Six Sentence Sunday.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thyme to Rhyme (or not) The writer as Artist

When I paint, I enter another space, just like when I write fiction, write poetry, play music. It's the reason so many writers are also artists, or musicians, or do crafts or other creative things. It,s the creative things that keep me alive and happy. Don't get me wrong, I love my regular job, but creativity is what I need, what we all need. 

I enjoy poetry, reading it, and writing bad versions of it. That's why I write about it, to encourage other people to write bad poetry too. It's the writing that counts, using the brain muscles in every way possible.

As an artist, I notice the colors of the leaves, contrasts in nature, the shape of a face and then use it in my writing. As a poet, I practice imagery, whether poetically good or not, its still good practice. As a musician, I notice harmonies, sounds in nature, all useful to translate into descriptions.

Don't let your writing take over your life to the point you can't use other art forms to make your writing richer. I have a friend, Amy, who writes fiction and nonfiction, plays the piano and cello, sings, acts and gardens. You can bet her writing is multi-dimensional.

Don't play a one note concert, let all the parts of your life enrich  your writing.  

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