Sunday, May 6, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Once again it's Six Sentence Sunday.

Post six sentences from your current book, story or WIP on your website/blog.
Put your web address in the comments section of this blog.
If you do not have a website, put the six sentences in my comments section.
Everyone, go to each other's websites/blogs and comment.
This way everyone gets new traffic to their websites.
Have fun.
From Privy to Murder

She turned on her heel, which promptly dug into the grass

and sent her flying into the dessert table. Cake and fruit

catapulted into the air. The sparkles on Mag’s dress dulled

under the layer of cake.

My cell phone rang.

“Oh, Tali,” Mumsie said. “Listen. Don’t worry.”

I interrupted. “Worry about what? What’s wrong?”

Mumsie interrupted me. “Sean’s okay. I was only twenty

minutes late but he’d already called Brian. Brian’s unhappy but

Sean’s home safe. And by the way, the spirit is okay, don’t


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