Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Eight Reasons to Write that Sequel
You have to do something while you wait to hear back from agents and editors on the first book.
You're a writer. You write. So why not write that sequel.
It's easier to write the sequel than come up with entirely new settings, characters etc.
The characters may not leave you alone anyway so just tell their story.
If that agent/editor does take you on, you can say, "Yes, I just so happen to be 50% done with the sequel, here's the synopsis for it."
It's fun to write and continue to build a world.
You miss the characters when you don't write about them because they become friends.
You are a writer, you are a masochist, so give in already.
Monday, February 25, 2008
ISBN #Unavailable
December 2007
Eternal Press
34 Pages
Paranormal Romance
Rating: 4 Cups
Ande is half fairy who works two jobs. One of her jobs is as partner with her elf friend Sierya, and the second one is as an agent for the PIU. As if she is not busy enough, now the Dark ones are after her and the amulet that her father left her.
Cal is a werewolf. He never expected that the date he arranged online would turn out to be with the half fairy he saved from a ghoul in the park. Of course, keeping his true nature quiet on the first date is not an option now.
Politics, magick, and a plethora of supernatural beings are about to collide in a big way when a fairy’s magic amulet is stolen. No one realizes just how powerful it is until it is stolen. To save the world, it must be returned right away.
This author manages to pack a lot of story in this book. From the honey drunk pixie to the power mad candidate for mayor, her characterizations are wonderful. Ande is a fun character as a half fairy with limited control over her magick. Cal is very sexy and protective of her. Sierya is also a good friend and Ajax is an interesting twist as a police officer’s snitch. The Dark King is extremely scary and the climax is very exciting with lots of action. I will definitely be looking for more of this author’s work.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
Reviewer for Karen Find Out About New Books
Would Have, Could have
I think that was the thing I should of done for my writing career also. I was in my forties before I knew I really wanted to be a writer and fifty by the time I seriously started thinking in terms of finishing a novel to market and over sixty by the time I finished the mystery and realized mystery and urban fantasy were what I loved to write. Now I'm feeling the pressure of time, however, I'm convincing myself I will be around at least as long as my mother, she's ninety.
I'm not knocking all the non-fiction I published, or the text books, but I wish now I'd put some of that time into fiction instead. Ain't hind sight great? Luckily I was published quickly. Later, will I say getting published in ebook format was a mistake, who knows?
Tell me the one thing you feel you should have done differently with your writing career.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Career Killers
1. Mis-spell the editor's name. (They are people and they want to know you did your research.)
2. Tell the editor what a mistake it would be to reject your project. (Scares them off right away.)
3. Fail to follow the guidelines for that publisher, editor, agent. (They want to know that you can follow instructions and that you care. Being too busy to read the guidelines or saying your other publisher did it that way, won't cut it.)
4. Leaving out a piece the editor, agent requested. (Just because you hate writing synopses and think your story should stand on it's own, don't leave it out. We're back to the business of following instructions and reading English.)
5. Bashing one publishing company to another editor. (Just as bad as bashing a former boss to a potential poss. Sounds like you are the problem.)
6. Typos-careless.
7. Sloppy manuscript, left out pages, messed up page numbering, margins and formatting that are not standard to the industry. (Making your manuscript stand out as one from an amateur will not help your career.)
8. Bad-mouthing other writers, or ignoring them. (You need networking. When writers work together to sell their work, wonderful things happen.)
9. Ignoring electronic media (Take the risk and put yourself out there, make that facebook site, web site, blog, My Space (You have to sell yourself. It's called marketing.)
10. Failing to continue learning and evolving your writing. Stretch your boundries and writing muscles. Try new things, new publishers, new publishing formats. (New York is not the only game out there.)
What is your worst writing mistake? Share with everyone by posting a comment.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Right now, we have rain, ice, thunderstorms and have snow scheduled for tomorrow. We'll see how the weekend turns out for writing and everything else. Life is interfering with writing at the moment.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Love Me
I love:
My children, who actually put up with and even like my writing.
My mother who loves me no matter what.
My brave-in-the-face-of-cancer sister, one of only two people left who knew me as a young woman or child.
My Cuchara girlfriends-we take care of, cry over or for each other and share triumphs.
My Ink friends who pay attention to each other and our writing.
Creating new stories with more fun characters and seeing where they will lead me.
My name on the cover of my books.
My wonderful publisher, Eternal Press and editor Deborah Nemeth, who loves my writing.
Being home with a cup of hot tea or hot buttered rum, a good movie on TV and a good book in my hand (Boy am I exciting.)
My cats, Punky and Poppi who love to purr.
Colorado in the summer.
Books-more kinds than I can mention.
Movies, especially the old black and whites like the Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Spiral Staircase, The Portrait of Jenny, The Enchanted Cottage, anything Jane Austen.
Chocolate truffles, especially Godiva, chocolate anything.
Babies and small children.
Sushi-especially California Rolls.
Chinese food and Mexican food.
Now I'm off on food so I'd better stop. What do you love? Post a comment for a chance to win a copy of Fairy Dust-my new short urban fantasy. The deadline is midnight February 15th.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's exactly what we do, or want to do, with our writing. The first draft is the solo piece on the organ, one person playing. When we subtract all the extraneous words and build in the details. The smell of the woods, the weather, any creatures, birds, sensory details, seasonal sounds, weather effects, scents like cooking. Then the orchestra can chime in, become rich, full and inspiring.
Monday, February 11, 2008
All day chat
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Contests Again
And yet, I see entries that ignore guidelines completely, no doubt thinking the brilliance of the writing will over shadow the first impression. But if the first impression is that of sloppy work, the judge or editor may read no further. If you can't do the basics, if you ignore font size, line spacing, hand write corrections in this age of computers, leave off the synopsis or even the required cover sheet, then you most likely can't tell a story so well that the editor/judge will be willing to correct everything else for you. If you are not smart enough to follow simple directions then how can you possibly follow the professional editor's directions later?
I heard of a contestant once who said they were busy with another project and didn't have time to read the guidelines. If the writer doesn't feel the current project is important enough to deserve full attention, why should the judge/editor give any of their valuable time to that manuscript?
My advice, put you best manuscript forward, no matter where you submit it or it could come back to haunt you. It doesn't matter whether or not you are a newbie or multi-published author, always put your best work out there. When you don't, someone, somewhere will figure it out. They come back.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Growing Pains
Growing pains mean change, a caterpillar growing wings, a child riding his first two-wheeler, flowers coming up in Spring, a country starting to choose a president.
I'm published with a new publishing company, which means growing pains as they find the right outlets to sell books, the marketing plan that will promote the company the best, the top management that will represent the writers the most effectively and a stable of writers who will be just as dedicated to promoting the company. It's worth the pain because the company has made such strides in the less than six months of their existance.
For a writer, its the constant growing we do as we write, rewrite, finish a second book, a third and learn our craft. If we stop learning, if we ever make the mistake of thinking we know everything, we're dead, because this business changes on a day-to-day basis. We have to stick to what we do best, what we enjoy writing and then make it so good we can sell it and find a market that works for it. We have to write what we love, if we try to write for a market because it's popular and not because we love it, the readers can tell.
When we do stop to read, reading in our own genre isn't a bad idea but also, we should read those who write other things and broaden our thinking, add dimension to our own writing. And if you're lucky, you'll find a writer who can get past the thing that you are a writer and will pay attention to technique and suck you into the story in spite of yourself.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Maybe because writers are underdogs when we go up against the big houses and their establishment and try to get agents to represent us, even read our work. We are in an uphill battle no matter what direction we take with our writing, New York, small press, ebooks, they all have their inherent problems.
But then look at Jane Austen. She's one of the most popular romance writers of all time, she didn't make a living from her books, her brother and sister were her only support. Her sales were good but the publishing company took most of the money (gee, sound familiar?) Her mother never forgave her for not marrying into money when she had the chance. Jane held out for love, died at a much too early age and never made a decent living from her writing, but she wrote anyway, as we all do, because we are called to and would even if we weren't published, do even if we are never published.
Oops. The World of Myth store has the World of Myth anthology available for pre-order. My story, "Mam" is in there as well as a story by Sarah Wilson-who has written many stories for World of Myth and has her second vampire book coming out. Visit World of Myth and go the the store to check it out.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Politics and football
Then there's the Super Bowl, with two super-stars to watch. We have a busy weekend in front of us which will make it difficult to get any writing done, but march on and keep writing anyway.