Monday, August 4, 2008

Bear Necessities

This little darlin' decided to visit our deck in the rain and the the bird seed that was left on the railing. That table you can see the edge of is where we ate dinner every evening and had coffee in the mornings. He left our place to try and raid the hummingbird feeder next door and then went across the street to visit the other neighbors. The yellow tag in his ear means he's already been identified as someone who is too friendly with humans.
The one on the right was back of the cabin and garage one day when Amy went for a walk.


Anonymous said...

I love bears! Thankfully, they are not native to where I live. I think I might get quite a fright if there was a bear on my porch! lol!


Anonymous said...

Awww...they do look harmless, though I know they aren't harmless at all!

Lisabet Sarai said...

So cute! Hard to believe that they're dangerous.

Where do you live, that you have such great wildlife viewing?

Carol said...

I love bears and think they are so cute but not harmless. These are pictures from my Colorado vacation. I live in Oklahoma City, no bears, just cars and triple digit temps. Supposed to be cooler today, only 102

Anonymous said...

The bears are great! Would be scary to have them so close...the cubs are sweet, but mama might take offense to your close proximity to her baby. Glad you could vacation in such a peaceful place. :)

Anonymous said...

Carol, glad you liked the bear shots. I've got some video, too, but it's too large to email.

And...the mountain is calling me, too!

Carol said...

Sarah, I always keep an eye out for Mama, can't trust them not to protect their kids.

Amy, you took such great pics I had to share. So hot here, I want to go back to cool air.

Anonymous said...

OK, the New Yorker in me is freaking out. I would rather be on the subway at 3 a.m. than wake up to a bear! Good God, woman, how can you be so calm?

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