First-Tigger9, I need your email address so I can send you your book. If I don't hear from you by Sept 5th, I'll draw another winner. Remember, send it to cshenoldATcoxDOTnetl. Don't forget to comment this month to be entered into the next drawing.
Now. How do you re-charge when you've been working hard at your writing or working hard in general? Some people go out for a latte, or a walk in the park, commune with nature, meditate, read something to recharge the batteries, take a writing class, do something creative that isn't writing if you're a writer, like paint, sculpt, crafts. What's your favorite way to get the juices going so you can jump right back into your project?
One thing I enjoy is reading good quotes.
"Don't give up. Don't lose hope. Don't sell out." -Christopher Reeve-
"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill-
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Thomas Jefferson-
"If you want rainbows, you have to put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton-
And remember that Louis L'Amour was rejected 349 times.
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