Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Everyone out there have a wonderful Mother's Day.

I had a good day, heard from all the kids, talked to my mother and sister. Straightened up my office, yay, I can find things again-except for my OWFI which is, I'm sure, somewhere safe.

I found out I'm in the top ten Eternal Press authors for Fictionwise sales with "Fairy Dust." Paranormal is it. I hope that "Bloody Murder" with the new elements catches on and makes people want to go back and read "Privy to Murder." Excited about the sales. Won't make me rich but a good feeling that some people like my stuff.

I started reading the new Sookie Stackhouse vampire book. Love those. Now I have to finish writingBM and get FD the novel started. Onward and upward.

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