Thursday, October 2, 2008


I came close to my goal yesterday. Not as close as I'd like because I really want 1500 words, but I'll take what I can get. Some words are better than none. I put up the new meter to keep myself honest and because I'm a visual person who likes to see progress.

Also, since I can't help myself, remember "Bloody Murder" is out next Tuesday. If you haven't read "Privy to Murder" then hurry up, you'll love it and then enjoy "Bloody Murder" even more. Also, "Cry Wolf" by Patricia Briggs and "Any Doomsday" by Lori Handeland, think that's right. Both good ones.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I LOVE your Bloody Murder excerpt.
Poor Mumsie, to have such a stupid spirit guide. It's a shame he can't tease Tali.

Mindy :)

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