Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tagged and Time

First, I've been tagged by my friend Ginger to tell you all six things you don't know about me.
1. I worked in a cafeteria as a kid, in Dallas, folding silverware into linen napkins.
2. When I began nursing school, hospitals still used metal bed pans, glass syringes and metal needles, all of which were cleaned, sterilized and re-used. We wrapped sterile packages in cloth and nothing much was disposable.
3. I wanted to be a ballerina up until I went to nursing school.
4. I've spoken nationally on subjects like resistant organisms, disaster management and bioterrorism.
5. I paint pastel portraits.
6. Watching the underwater scene in Aliens makes me short of breath.

Be sure and go see Ginger at and you can find out all her secrets too.

I'm starting the fast draft of FDWizard so my goal will be at least 1000 words a day, preferably 1500 so my graph will go up tomorrow. The plotting has a good start and I still need to fit in a synopsis.

I will announce the September "Bloody Murder" winner tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for playing. Sometimes these fun things are hard to fit into our schedules, but I'm glad you did. I enjoyed learning more about you.


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