Thursday, April 10, 2008

News and news

My friend, Sara Saint John's newest book is out and it looks killer, literally. Think Bogart meets Jack the Ripper in Fantasy Land. Dark, romantic and dangerous. I love this kind of book.

Rinda Elliott has an agent and I know will be signing a multiple book contract soon because I've read it and it's great, another epic full of gods, goddesses, demons, a witch and other creatures. Edgy, creepy but with a sense of humor.

Rachel Vincent has signed with Mira for a YA fantasy series featuring a teen-aged banshee. How fun is that, with a bit of a bizarre edge.

Good things are happening all over the writing community in Oklahoma City. These are just a few. So, if you are just beginning your writing career, don't give up, these ladies didn't and look what happened to them. My sequel to Privy to Murder will be out in the fall. See you all at conference I hope.


Anonymous said...

No news on a sale yet, but it's early still.

So did you get the sequel done????

Can't wait for OWFI.

Carol said...

Working on the sequel still. As soon as OWFI is over, I can really put the rear in the chair and work. Carol

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