Sunday, October 7, 2007

Monday Poetry

An old poem, Texas Rodeo, in honor of the launch today of my Texas murder mystery, Privy to Murder.

Riding Thunder

Serpentine horses tie a knot
Every ride is new
Lights and bugs fight dust
hot air clings to skin
tight jeans, boots and boys
every hat is new
Popcorn, peanuts, cotton candy
Teens parade in front
Cowboys fight, eight second side
They ride the thunderstorms
Dive off horse, handful of dust
roping only air
girls race barrels and themselves
Singers stop the show
Flags wave to the crowd
Denim clowns fight the bulls
Hot babies, tired kids
cowfoys with a limp
Fun and games on a summer night
Once upon a Texas rodeo.


Anonymous said...

I could picture the whole thing, so vivid and colourful. Great poem!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Congrats on the new release!

This is very vivid, but after the set-up of the first seven or so lines, I kept looking for more "Every .... is new" repetition, and I was sad it didn't repeat.

I'd love to see this sort of fair. The idea of it and the atmosphere will stay with me all day, now.

Ann said...

Very vivid images, cool poem. (Just one little nitpicky thing, on the third line up from the bottom you wrote cowfoys-thought you'd want to know). :)
Congrats on the release!!

Lisa Andel said...

Congrats on the release!

I could see it. And yeah, I'm wondering what a cowfoy is too. :D

Jill said...

Ok, this is making me want to go in Texas or at a rodeo!!
Good luck and congrats for your release.

Carol said...

A cowfoy would be one of the Seven Little Foys gone western? No idea, but thanks for catching that. You're all too young to know about the Seven Little Foys anyway. I'm glad the imagery worked even if the typing didn't. Carol

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