Sunday, June 15, 2008

Girlfriends and Writing

What writer's need, good friends who also write. Writers we can cheer on, but not get jealous of, because they are our best friends. Their successes become ours too. When we get together, it's a recharge of the batteries and we bounce ideas off each others, share frustrations, both writing and private.

We all work and write, juggle it all, get frustrated by people who don't take our writing seriously because it isn't a real job. My friends in Oklahoma and Texas are who keep me going when writing and life in general becomes too much.

I think the writing life is important, that's what I do, but friends are irreplaceable, love us anyway, understand what drives us and hold us up. Touching base by phone, over lunch, any way we can is essential. Most women need girl friends. Women writers need girlfriends who are also writers. They will feel your pain equally when you miss that shoe sale for the perfect power pumps and when the 23rd agent rejects your proposal.

Friends become family, sisters you choose and nothing can replace that kind of friendship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very blessed to have you as a friend. :)

Love you,

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