Friday, August 17, 2007


I don't even have the line edits for Privy yet and I'm already thinking of ideas for "Bloody Murder," the sequel, "Faerie Dust," urban fantasy and I'm thinking PR for "Privy to Murder." Lots going on.

I really need a synopsis for BM-unfortunate initials, hope that's not significant. I know elements I want in it but need to put things into a logical sequence since I work better with some kind of road map. I'm looking forward to the new direction I'm going with it, should be fun. I know some people can just do the stream of consciousness, let it pull me along, kind of writing. I can't. I need to have a plan or it falls apart in the middle. That doesn't mean I don't add or subtract or change the plan, I can do side-trips. But I work better if I have some idea of where I want to end up and an initial route to get there. What I haven't done, good or bad, or really detailed, pages long, character studies and synopsis as long as a novella. I'd rather write the book itself, learn about the characters as they grow and take over. My plotting synopsis is a sentence or two about each chapter. My official synopsis is only two to three pages.

Off the subject, another author, writes about the effect of a Victoria's Secret lunch bag on her male co-workers. Read it, too funny. Also visit Rinda Elliot, listed under blogs, for good music info. My music is often very dull classical but it soothes me and doesn't distract. If I have rock or bouncy country, my favorite, I'm singing along and not concentrating at all.


Yasmine Galenorn said...

Take a deep breath and then sit down and make out your schedule for the rest of the year and next year--just the highlights. What's due when re: writing, holidays when you can expect to have more on your shoulders, conferences, etc., that you have to attend for writing or work. If you don't have a daytimer, get one--I use mine for so many things. And I have a white board marked into twelve sections on the wall of my office, with due dates, release dates, etc.

Every time I get a new deadline for something, it goes up there and is duly checked off when finished.

Hugs and welcome to the world of the professional writer--it's scary and big and sometimes it's easy to feel like a little fish in a huge ocean, but it's also a blast to play in!


Jocelynn Drake said...

Congrats on all your success and I love the book cover!!

Carol said...

Thanks so much, Jocelynn. I appreciate it.
Yas, you're a peach and the voice of reason.I have a daytimer at work, should bring it home to use because I really don't use it that much at work. Must get organized.

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