Monday, April 30, 2007
Poetry Train
Not enough?
Are you afraid
You see yourself in me?
You made me into this.
You pushed,
hit me into this.
You told me what to be,
how to be,
who to be.
Be like you?
Can’t you see I’m free?
You can’t keep controlling me.
I’d die first.
That’s what I would do.
Everyone would blame you.
I've been writing bad poetry for years. To do it weekly should be a trip. This weekend was beautiful, weather-wise, killed my joints walking the art fest (the only truly original thing I saw was an exhibit of wood-cuts-block prints that were lovely.) But I got the two Adirondack chairs I wanted, on sale.
Friday, April 27, 2007
New Places
Just finished reading Changeling, by Yasmine Galenorn. It come out in June. Don't miss it, a definite page turner.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Beginnings and Ends
OK enough angst. I hate angst. Anyone remember when the entire cast of Buffy went off to college and whined their way through scripts for a whole season, the first year of college. I don't know what went on in Josh Whelan's life at that time, but he almost lost me as a watcher. *grins* Pun intended, (once I realized I made one.) So I will march on with the plot and work on a killer agent pitch.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Arrrgh or something of the sort.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Branching Out
Monday, April 23, 2007
Strange Feeling
It's an odd feeling to have the first draft done after all this time and kind of intimidating to know I now have to plot book # 2 and rewrite #1. Heretofore known as PTM and PTOM. Can I get PTM in good enough shape to go to an agent/editor? Can I get started on PTOM? Should I do a rewrite of "Agatha Ann and the Spider Wizard" (AASW) and get it out there too? Decisions, decisions. It was a little easier to struggle through the first draft without the other issues. Then there is the plotting and synopsis for PTOM. Do I sound angsty? Maybe it's Monday. I don't really mind having these problems, what I will mind is when I start getting rejections after the hard work. The I will whine, but keep on submitting. I'm stubborn that way. Of course, the other best thing to do, "button", "Butt on chair-in front of computer.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Plan
In May, work on the plot points and synopsis for "Party to Murder" and do a chapter outline.
June, work on revisions for "Privy to Murder" and make list of places to send it.
In July send out PTM proposals to editors and agents.
August, organize notebook for new book. Begin new manuscript with a goal of 700 words a day, 5 days a week, which will give me approx 80,000 words in 6 months.
By February 2008 I should have a completed first draft for the second book and some responses to the first one.
In my spare time work on edits for "Agatha Ann and the Spider Wizard" middle-grade fantasy. Send it out.
So, now that it's all in writing, I have to do it, right?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Failing, for two hours, to let someone know a possible shootist was on campus, makes no sense.
I realize asking for anything in life to be rational borders on the irrational.
But I want life and logic to fit together.
Then I think about the shooter's parents.
The parents of the dead kids and teachers, spouses, children.
Help, I'm falling and I can't stop.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Rachel has a white board with color-coded post-its to keep her plot going, fill in holes and generally keep track of the direction the book is going. Anyone else have tried and true methods.
I have a detailed synopsis which has kept me on track with the first draft. Now I need to go back and update my notebook on timelines, characters and etc. in order to keep track and then when I'm writing the next book in the series, I won't forget that Tali has brown eyes, auburn hair and a blue Mazda pickup. Anyone else have organizational tricks out there?
Last week the writing was sporadic but I started the next to last chapter. Would really like to finish this week and let everything rest while conference takes over my life. Then I will attack the first draft with scissors, details, desciption and everything that might be missing. Can't wait.
On the knee front, better so far, "better living with steroids." We'll see what happens long term. The sun is out, had a beautiful day yesterday and spend time outside.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Flower Power
My grand daughter almost had a stroke the other day when her mother was mowing the back yard. When my daughter saw the six-year-old sobbing, she stopped mowing to see what was wrong. "It's a tradegy" the little girl said. You're killing the flowers, one by one. Pretty soon there won't be any flowers left in the whole world."
It turns out the problem was mowing down the wildflowers in the field that is their back yard. Without telling the child that she was a dork, her mother helped her pick all the flowers and save them in cups all over the kitchen. Then it was OK to mow. Another ""outside the box solution." We all have small tragedies in our lives and only hope they can be solved or at least improved by a little OTB thinking.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Had my knee injected with steroids yesterday so I hope the thing will resolve with out any going into my knee and anesthesia etc. My writing is sporatic this week, hope to at least meet the daily goal today. Just a note, I have writer friends who have web sites, a blog site on blogger and one on MySpace. They all seem to be having major issues with MySpace. I'm glad I stuck with this site and don't think I need a web site until I have an actual product (BOOK) to sell. Notice I said "until" not "if." Positive thinking, visualize, visualize.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
She wasn't thinking "outside her own box." I told her that everything she'd been writing for free had the potential for a larger life if expanded and marketed to non medical audiences, just change the focus. Plus, there are medical publishers out there who will pay, you just have to find them. Plus, any marketing and business info you are an expert about can be turned around and marketed to businesses that have nothing to do with medical.
I think we all fall into the trap of turning our own boxes into prisons instead of expanding what we try for. I started writing thinking I had to stick to fiction. Then I realized nonfiction pays. Then I realized the medical knowledge could expand to non medical audiences and all that did not mean I had to give up on fiction. The medical textbooks look great on a resume. I'm two chapters away from finishing my mystery and I have experience in so many fields now.
Jump into new things and enjoy all the choices out there. BTW, exceeded the word goal yesterday, makes me happy.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Good Life
Conference and contest are coming along. Manuscripts are getting filed, slowly. Some contest chairs missed or skipped the part that said "Please put in alpha order." Such is life. Writing is fitting in but may get a little scarce closer to the big weekend. I'm not trying as much for good as for finished since I will have the re-write phase to finish everything and pretty it up.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Yay Me
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter and Etc.
Easter we spent with my son and watched the three-year-old hunt for Easter eggs, had a fire in the fire pit (turned cold last week, had snow on Good Friday. Ate too much, watched a good movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" Also went to see "The Reaping" where Hilary Swank did a great acting job but I felt the writers fell down on the job with a totally predictable ending. It will be interesting to see if King falls into the same trap for the end of "Lisey's Story" because he's done it before. Got to come up with something new, guys.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Kids-fractures and etc.
The down side of things, my grandson fractured his hand and had to have surgery with pins this winter in order to repairit. He was playing basketball at school and even tried to get the coach to let him finish the practice.
Now my 6yr old grand daughter managed to fall off a trampoline and fracture her arm, just above the elbow, requiring a trip to Dallas for a pediatric ortho specialist, surgery with pins once again. They have insurance coverage through CHIP, beginning in May. The pits. That baby shouldn't have to go through this.
Also, Easter is going to be cold with the possibility of snow. What's up with that? but happy easter anyway. So there.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
If it's difficult to get published now, what will this kind of lack of ethics do to our chances in the future? What happened to honesty, truth in journalism? And our words are all we have. That is what we are selling. We can't steal them from each other. The Internet, for all its good points, has made it possible for anyone to copy, cut and paste from anyone, anything else and promote it as there own. If humans can, they will, ethics be damned if profits be involved.
WAKE UP WRITERS. Don't shoot yourself in the foot and the rest of us too.
Word count-no. Too busy whining about my knee. It's better so I'll get with it today.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Wants and Wishes
I did get my words done yesterday, miracles happen. We'll see how things go today. We're scheduled for cold weather through Easter and beyond. Guess I'll wait on the pansies.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Sunshine on my Shoulders
I made the word goal this weekend, in spite of missing a couple of days. I always wonder, when I'm writing a passage that I have to pull out like an impacted tooth, is it going to be any good, and then have to remind myself that its a first draft. Whether or not it flows like a river or slogs along like mud, its a first draft and will have to be revised anyway.
I'm watching a friend of mine take off with her fiction. It's been a long haul for her but her new, Otherworld Series is taking off like gangbusters. If you haven't read "Witchling" by Yasmine Galenorn, do so now. Her new book, "Changeling" comes out in June. Treat yourself to a good read.
Blog Archive
- Poetry Train
- New Places
- Beginnings and Ends
- Arrrgh or something of the sort.
- Branching Out
- Strange Feeling
- DONE, DONE, DONE. Yes, I'm shouting but the first...
- The Plan
- Endings
- Senseless
- Organization
- Flower Power
- 13
- Boxes
- The Good Life
- Yay Me
- Easter and Etc.
- Kids-fractures and etc.
- Rant-Honestly
- Wants and Wishes
- Sunshine on my Shoulders