Monday, May 7, 2007

Poetry Train and Contest

Wake –up Call

Marsh bird songs pull clouds across days last light.
Red sun sneaks under water’s edge to send out colors, caress the sand.
Hidden winds crush the waves. Green light replaces red sun.
Black water mirrors the moon’s cold sky.
Night peace makes way for morning’s chaos.
Bird songs drag home day’s first reluctant light.

My poem for a Monday. Love writing about nature, especially when I can do it on the spot, at the edge of the lake the way I did this one.

Just got back from a two day OWFI writer's conference. Have an agent who is interested in seeing the first 50 pages of my mystery novel, Privy to Murder, a publisher who want's to see a proposal for a writing book that I have, and an editor who want's to see "Agatha Ann and the Spider Wizard." Busy and exhausting meeting, exciting, had fun with friends and with wearing sparkles. I only have one or two occasions a year to do that. All in all a great weekend except for my whining about the effect barometric pressure has on my arthritic joints.


Rhian said...

beautifully captures sense of moment, that hovering on the edge of transition. and i'm a total sucker for use of color in word play. grin!

Anonymous said...

Ooo sounds like you have some exciting activities happening. Congratulations on getting all that interest and it seems like you had a nice retreat!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Congrats on all that interest in your writing!

STAK said...

oooo neato........a cycle in such a small number of words.....well done.......

Carol said...

Thanks for the congrats and for the nice words about my poetry attempts. I'm enjoying branching out a little. Carol

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