Thursday, September 27, 2007

Weather Etc.

We are doing that humid fog Autumn thing that seems to happen in Oklahoma between hot weather and cold weather. We don't have that cool, crisp thing going on yet. I love when it gets cooler. Sunday night was a little better and I actually built a fire in the chiminea. Loved the smell of the burning pinon wood.

Beginning the ending and editing stage of FD, wondering if my fight scenes live up to what they should. We'll see what the reaction is. Then "Museums are Murder" is next on the list, poor Tali, more murder and Mumsies spirit guides to complicate her life.

Do 't forget that "Privy to Murder" is ready for pre-order at . Also, run over to my website, and join so you can be in the contest for a free copy. The contest will only be open to members and will start the first week in October. More on that later.

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