Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I finally finished final edits for Privy and now, this week, hope to finish chapter 1 of "Bloody Murder." And if this sentence were in my book, I'd have to take out final or finally. See how easy it is to repeat words when you're not even thinking about it. On the final edits for Privy, even after numerous edits by multiple people, I found repeated words I'd missed before. I so hope I become a better writer, self editor after all this.
I'm excited to start the new book and really need to finish my chapter outline. I do much better with a road map. I'm not a strict seat-of-my-pants writer. I have to have an idea where I'm going, what I want to have happened by the end of a chapter. That doesn't mean it can't change, but I want some idea so I don't sag in the middle, or at least the book doesn't. A sentence a chapter works, sometimes two. I don't need a 20 page synopsis.
Now publicity for Privy. I have the contest going, post cards ready to mail, a site at Author Island complete with contest, a cool MySpace site (thanks to fellow author Ginger) and this blog. But will all of this translate into sales? We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you want to put in a link when you mention your Myspace? I couldn't find it. :)

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